Grow your brand with a registered trademark.
Register a trademark for your business name, logo, or slogan and stop copycats from unauthorized use of your trademark.
- Simple 3-step process with online form
- Application prepared by a US licensed attorney
- Trademark filed with the United States Patent & Trademark Office
What you can register as a trademark
Business name
Logo or symbol
Name of a product
Slogan or phrase
Trademark Registration is Easy
Get exclusive rights to your business name, logo, or slogan and stop others from unauthorized use.
Choose a package
Fill out our online questionnaire and choose a package that suits your requirement so we can start working on your trademark application.
We’ll research and report back
Depending on the package you choose, we’ll research your mark, prepare your application and send you a report with the application details.
We’ll file your application
When you give us the go-ahead, we’ll e-file your trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Why you should register your trademark
You only have to fill out an online brief form, and we’ll take it from there.
Amazon Brand Registry
Take advantage of your trademark filing with the USPTO by enrolling your brand on the Amazon Brand Registry to enjoy exclusive benefits.
Build Trust
People feel good when they see well-known trademarks because trademarks add value by creating consumer trust and goodwill.
Use ® Symbol
Use the ® symbol following your trademark to let others know that your mark is federally registered adding prestige to your brand.
Exclusive Rights
Enjoy the sole ownership of your trademark and stop others from unauthorized use of your trademark across the United States.
Brand Recognition
A trademark differentiates your products and services from existing and foreseen competitors and acts as efficient commercial tool.
Creates Intangible Asset
A registered trademark creates an intangible asset which can be sold, assigned, franchised, or commercially contracted.
Choose a Package
Basic Package
+ federal filing fees ($350/class)
Fill out our simple form with relevant queries related to your trademark
trademark Search
Trademark clearance by an experienced trademark specialist
Linked classes
Basic trademark search of your mark to check if it’s available
Ranked results
Complete report with application details for your record
Ranked results
Electronic filing of your trademark application with the USPTO
Deluxe Package
+ federal filing fees ($350/class)
Get the most out of our trademark registration service if you’re on a budget
Business/Corporate names
Trademark Clearance by an experienced trademark attorney to minimize chances of rejection
State trademarks
Full research, filing and monitoring of your trademark application
Common law trademarks
Complete satisfaction guarantee by our legal team
Internet domain names
Cease-and-desist letter upon infringement
Premium Package
+ federal filing fees ($350/class)
Everything included in the Deluxe package, plus:
Business/Corporate names
Trademark Clearance by a team of experienced trademark attorneys. Highly increases the chances of trademark application approval.
State trademarks
Trademark research, preparation, and filing with the USPTO.
Common law trademarks
Refusal Risk Meter representing the chances of your application approval
Internet domain names
Trademark monitoring for 1 year after trademark registration
24-hour fast processing of your trademark application
Set up your brand for success with Trademark Department
We've already hepled thousands of brands with their intellectual property needs.
Why work with us?
Every day, our team of highly skilled trademark professionals do all the heavy lifting to file hundreds of applications correctly and efficiently for individuals and business owners across the nation.
Clarity, promptness, follow-up, knowledge of trademarking.
Trademark Premium Customer
10,000+ Reviews
10,000+ Reviews
We're here to help your brand
We believe that building a brand and making sure it stays protected is one of the most important yet complicated tasks many small businesses face today. So we’ll be with you every step of the way, helping you protect your business and celebrating with you when you accomplish every exciting milestone as you thrive.
Fast, efficient and a real person who responds to questions. Thank you!
Trademark Deluxe Customer
Satisfied Customers
Trusted by over 10,000 businesses. Protect your intellectual property with confidence.
I feel very confident the team, will be with me every step of the trademark registration process.
Trademark Customer
Overall the staff was just very informative, and helpful. Look forward to taking the next step with them to get all my Trademark setup for my new rental property business.
Joey Benedetto
Trademark Customer
Great! The agent took her time to help me with my needs! She was awesome! Very impress with her knowledge about the trademark process to help me when I was feeling lost!
Carlos Itirralde
Trademark Search Customer
The whole trademark process was clear, mostly once I chatted who answered my additional questions.
Julie W
Trademark Customer
The process was quick and easy and took little effort from my end. Their process is not confusing at all unlike the rest.
Isaac Cooper
Trademark Customer
I was curious about the pricing. The person who helped me was very knowledgeable. They didn't push me to make a commitment and agreed to email me with their information.
Trademark Customer
They did everything according to the plan. Also, got my trademark serial number on time so I could enroll for Amazon brand registry.
Carla Toland
Trademark Customer
Can I apply to register my trademark through Trademark Department?
Trademark Department’s filing service starts at $35 plus federal filing fees. At Trademark Department, we take care of your application so that you can focus on other important things that matter to you. Get started today in applying for your trademark through Trademark Department. -
How long does it take to process a trademark registration request through Trademark Department?
How much does it cost to register my trademark?
I found a trademark similar to mine. Can I still register it?
Do I need to register my business name and logo separately?
Can I trademark my business name before I open my business?
What are trademark classes?
Ready to get your trademark registered?
Don't let your dreams melt away. Register your mark before someone else does.
Any questions? Call us today!